Category: Uncategorized

Spring was here a minute ago….

Spring time everyone wants to get their outside living area back in use.  We clean up our grills or we buy a new one, we take our stored outdoor furniture out of the shed and set it up in anticipation of our first cook-out!  We start the yard clean-up duties, or the lucky ones call their landscaper and set up an appointment with them to have them come remove all the dead broken branches that winter has left us with. 

We start getting ready to plant our gardens and we wake in the morning to the bright sun peeking thru the blinds and the chirping of the birds that have returned looking for things to build their nests with.

We start our Spring Cleaning and take stuff to the Salvation Army to recycle or we give bags of clothes to our friends who have kids a year or two younger that might be able to use the clothes our own kids have grown out of. 

Spring has always been a favorite time of the year for me because you can be outside more and listen to the birds and start to see your flowers bloom and for me, I can break out my hammock for those days when all I want to do is stare up into the clouds and forget about everything else!

Nuisance Wildlife in Hanson, MA

Squirrels and other unwanted Visitors

As some of you might know, I have a barn on my property that I have a country shoppe in, Vintage Chics ResaleDSC075161Right now it looks like a storage unit or maybe even a room from that show, Hoarders.  Because it is not currently heated, it has been pretty much closed for the winter and whatever I have picked-up over the last few months has just kinda been tossed inside.  So the other day after crawling over some of the stuff, I was finally in the middle of the shoppe.  As I am standing there looking at the mess I had made I started to notice that there seemed to also be a mess that I know I did not have any part in making.  There was a smashed religious figure on the floor, which I was not happy about at all!squirrel

As I stood looking around I saw even more things knocked over and broken.  A vase, a swan, a few dishes, etc.  There were also quite a few things knocked over but not damaged.  Then I saw the real damage!  As I walked closer, I just couldn’t believe I was actually seeing what I saw.

squirrel2It looked like a Beaver had been visiting me!  And a very hungry one at that!  These wood chips are from one of my shoppes front windows.

squirrel5I am going to assume it wasn’t a Beaver but a squirrel, because I have seen a lot of them running around the yard.  I am not sure how he got in, but the barn isn’t as secure as it should be.

 red_squirrel_big  squirrel3When I first moved in to this house, it had been vacant for over a year and we had squirrels living in a side wall, we got them out of there and they decided to move to the other side of the house behind a gutter area.  It took a long time to get rid of them!  I am NOT a fan of squirrels, that’s for sure and it looks like they have come back to haunt me again!  It might be time to call Precision Wildlife Services!


Snow again, REALLY??

This winter has been non stop snow, ice and cold cold weather!  One of my favorite subjects to photograph is birdhousemy poor old shed.  It’s ready to fall down it’s so old.  How it has survived this years snow storm after snow storm I will never know!  IMG_3098IMG_2210The shed has been pretty much buried this winter.  I n the spring is get covered in vines, berries and lots of greenery.  IMG_2209DSC05106This is probably the barest I have ever seen the shed.theburningjiuI am looking forward to being able to see the shed again without the snow!  How about my daffodils?  Where are they?forsale 402

forsale 403SPRING……can you hear me????

One of My Ms Bee Haven Friends

Today I finally found time to go visit one of my best friends at her shop Ms. Bee Haven Angel Alley.  Linda T. is the most amazing artist and one of the sweetest people I know.  I absolutely adore her shop and love just pulling up in front of it, never mind walking in!  photoCAMP0GPJ

She has everything that makes my heart beat a little faster.  She paints the most gorgeous Mermaids as well as many other items that I am sure if you stopped in you would not leave empty handed!  msbee2She has been making and painting these awesome shelves, they are adorable.  You really should stop in and take a look, I’m sure she has something you will love!
clucks clockcrow  starbird

The Big Birthday Cookie!!

Reading the directions, The Cook, is preparing his special cookie for Blondie’s Big “1-0” birthday before she gets home from school….

And here she comes!

There’s the BIG ONE for the Birthday Girl!

Oh and of course, nothing like a big sugar rush on your birthday!  Yes, she had a small cake after dinner too.

And of course we all have to have some cookies!  And boy were they YUMMY!!!!
Thanks Handsome!