Category: angels

Angels and Rainbows

I woke up this morning and walked in the kitchen and this is what I saw…

God’s light shining down in the most beautiful rainbow of colors!!

All I could think was wow! Boy did I need to see that this morning!

These last few months have been not the best in this 60 something-year-old’s life. I always try to focus on all of the good things I have in my life but some mornings you just don’t wanna get out of bed because you don’t know how you’re going to make it through the day.

I’ve had children to take care of since I was 19 years old. I had the pleasure of raising my oldest granddaughter from 2-1/2 years old until she turned 18 and then abruptly moved out. In a matter of days I became an empty nester at 61-1/2, with no time at all to prepare for it. It definitely wasn’t the way I had pictured it would be happening. But it’s not about me, everyone lives their own lives their own way.

You do everything you can, and you do it the best you think you can, and it doesn’t really matter a whole lot what you think because everyone that you do the things for sees it in a different way than you do. That doesn’t make you do it any differently, you still do it the best you know how to do it and hope somehow it has helped in someway shape them into a good decent human being.

Do they really know how much you love them? What could have I done better as a parent? When it’s time for them to go, it hits you like a ton of bricks!

It doesn’t help when everything else seems to be going not the way you planned it to go either. I thought growing up and dealing with all of the things you deal with as a parent was tough but I’m beginning to think it’s all tough, it’s just different things that you deal with at different times in your life.

It certainly is true what they say, some people just know that you need them without you saying a word. (You know who you are!❤️)

Then there are some that have absolutely no clue, or maybe they just don’t care to have a clue. I hope I am one who always has a clue no matter what’s going on and I’ve always tried to be there for the people I care about no matter, with no expectations.

I don’t know what the next 20 years is going to bring into my life, I’m just trying to make it through the day, but I know life goes on and you figure it out somehow…

Still trying to be a “Super Woman” til the day i’m no longer here.

Friday the 13th and then Love Day…..

Oh LOVE is in the……
 This has been the winter of hell so far this year!
It seems like Mother Nature isn’t happy with New England lately!
Friday the 13th???
 The Barn Shoppe is buried just like the rest of the place!
Everyone I know is going crazy…..

Even Sophie has had it!
WHAT’S That?????  MORE SNOW????
Where we gonna put it?????

Oh well….
Happy LOVE Day everyone on Saturday!


Moms Vintage Family

Not sure if you have noticed yet or not, but I LOVE vintage pictures!  I mostly LOVE the ones of our family!

This is mom’s high school picture….

And this is my Mom, not sure how old she was here…..

These lovely ladies are my Aunt Vivian, she is one of my grandmothers sisters,
then my Aunt Janet, she is my Mom’s older sister, and then my Grandmother, Beatrice or “Bea”
as a lot of people called her.

My grandmother LOVED the beach!  It’s one of the things I always will remember about her.  She seemed the happiest ever at the beach!

Nathan’s Concert 2013

Nathan’s pre-school concert was so cute!

He did awesome!

Santa was very late for his visit but he did finally show up and the kids were all so excited!

Santa and the Mrs. were very nice and took lots of time with each child.

Nathan got a belly laugh out of Mrs. Claus when he said he wanted an iPad mini!

I love watching my grand kids grow up. Time sure flies!



The Darlene Collection

I am calling this collection, “The Darlene Collection”

If you see something you would love to own, just let me know.  This collection comes from a family member who had passed away.  She would write on the bottom of most of the items the date and occasion she acquired the piece.  Most of these are from the 1940’s.  There are some really cute things.. They will be listed in our Etsy Store and on our main site soon.  I love seeing what things people like to collect.  I have had several collections over the years and they always seem to change.  I have collected unicorns, horses, Betty Boop, Heart Shaped things, and Angels.  It’s fun to make a collection.  My mother has collected Frogs for years!  What do you collect?