Well, here we have another little furry animal trying to move into our home! We have been here since 2001 and when we moved in we had some squirrels living in the side gutter facia that we had to have removed. Once we got them out of that side they decided to move into another side of the house in another gutter area! We finally got the totally moved out & discovered we had Bats living in the eaves of the roof! Every night at dusk we would see them come flying out and circle around the sky! Not knowing what to do about them they got to stay awhile until one day I got a phone call from a Ed who needed a website built. That was a very good day! Ed happen to be the owner of PrecisionWildlife.com and specialized in bat removal! So we made a deal & bartered services, I made his website, he got rid of my bats! Now I have this little one living behind the stone in front of my office……What next????