Finally Progress

December 2012 was 11 years that have now lived in my beloved 1778 Cape home and I think I might have finally figured out how I want to live in it. There are several tiny rooms and they have all been used as either living rooms, bedrooms, or furniture storage. Now I think my head has a clearer picture of what this home has been showing me it wants to be for my family to be comfortable. My first project has finally gotten underway. The side porch entrance!

This has always been way too tight and I have wanted to do something about it for a few years now. I had a contractor in to make sure the wall was not a retaining wall. I also ran my “idea” by him and showed him some pictures. He said it was doable. So Friday my best friends husband removed the electrical that was in the wall. It was now ready to start demo! I stood there just staring at it hoping I would love this idea of mine once it was finished. I knew it would be messy and take a while to complete. But I just needed to “start” it.

20130203-183616.jpg So I started it finally!!!

More to come….


Feb., 2013

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