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Debo and Lilly are both purebred Blue Nose Pitbulls from California. Debo is what you call Razors Edge Breed. 3 males and 4 females born June 26th, 2018. We will let people pick/see their puppies when they are 6 or 7 weeks old – after they are seen by the vet. This is to ensure they stay healthy. Or you can always pick by the pictures. First person to leave a deposit gets first pick, second deposit gets second pick etc. They are $1000 with a $500 deposit. Of course you can chose not to leave a deposit but there is no guarantee on a puppy. Or $850 paid upfront in full. Once we have seven deposits they are all sold and deposits are non refundable as we are going to hold the puppy for you no matter what and won’t be able to find another home. They go to the vet when they are six weeks old and once the vet clears them to be away from the Mom, they can go to their new forever homes. They come with papers and their first set of shots. If you have any questions just let me know.
Finally Progress
December 2012 was 11 years that have now lived in my beloved 1778 Cape home and I think I might have finally figured out how I want to live in it. There are several tiny rooms and they have all been used as either living rooms, bedrooms, or furniture storage. Now I think my head has a clearer picture of what this home has been showing me it wants to be for my family to be comfortable. My first project has finally gotten underway. The side porch entrance!
This has always been way too tight and I have wanted to do something about it for a few years now. I had a contractor in to make sure the wall was not a retaining wall. I also ran my “idea” by him and showed him some pictures. He said it was doable. So Friday my best friends husband removed the electrical that was in the wall. It was now ready to start demo! I stood there just staring at it hoping I would love this idea of mine once it was finished. I knew it would be messy and take a while to complete. But I just needed to “start” it.
More to come….
Feb., 2013
Angel Wings | White Washed Wood
Angel Wings and White Washed Wood
The visions in my head are coming into light…
These Angel wings are perfect for this spot in the side entry way. They are made out of wood and metal.
Angel wings and white washed wood just go together so beautifully!
I still have lots of work to do in this area before its done, but what a big improvement already!
The floor needs staining and the ceiling needs re-doing and a new (old) light fixture needs to be found and hung.
The radiator wall needs some love. But, I’m so HAPPY every time I walk past this area! I had all these
visions in my head when I bought this home and they are finally starting to come together. January 2015
My Daughter, the Bride To Bee…..
My oldest daughter will be changing her name on September 6th, 2014 and she just can’t wait!
On July 13th I had a Bridal Shower for her at a local restaurant.
I decided to have a bee theme.
“Bride to Bee” was the theme that came to mind and I ran with it!
I designed the invitations,
her guest advice book,
the honey tags
and the honey tower was a hit!
the centerpieces, and
I burnt my fingers a few times making the bee skeps!
But I thought they came out great for my first time.
The yummy cup cakes came from her soon to be step mother-in-law.
Here are some more photos from the day.
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I wish my daughter all the love and happiness she seeks.
She has always made me proud to be her mother.
She has a beautiful, amazing little boy that I love to pieces
and she deserves the best life has to offer!
Mom loves you so much, Meg!
Beatrice, my grandmother
Happy Birthday Gram
May 24, 1914 – June 14,1985

I think of her almost every day. She had the best laugh! When I got to sleep over her house, she would give me a Toni perm that stunk up the whole house and my grandfather would get so mad about the smell when he came home from work! She was the one who started my fascination with old things. We would drive around for hours and then all of a sudden she would pull over and we would get out and start walking into the woods. I don’t know where she got her information from, but we would walk to a certain distance then she would stop and we would start digging. She would say this is an old dump and we are going to find some nice old bottles here! And we usually always did.

We would also do crafts. One in particular I remember was cooking old records in the oven until the edges curled up. Then we would spray paint them gold and glue macaroni, acorns & other things on them for decorations. Another smelly thing my grandfather didn’t approve of! Oh well, she didn’t care! She did what she wanted to do.

She wore very fancy sparkley clothes and wore a big beehive hair do. She loved wearing hats too!

She loved to dance and ride horses.

She was my inspiration! And I was 8-1/2 months pregnant with my 4th child when she died. She suffered so long and awful with the dreaded bully, cancer that it just didn’t seem fair. She didn’t deserve to suffer like that. The day of her funeral, I cried the loudest and hardest I think I have ever cried so far.
I had my son July 7, 1985 and as a reminder of my grandmother, I named my son Jeffrey B. Michael. The B. of course stands for Beatrice. And I’m proud to say that my son and his girlfriend gave birth to a gorgeous little baby boy January 4th of this year and he also carries on the B. as a Jr. To his dad! Gram, Beatrice, Mother, Honey and all the other names I’m sure you had, I love you, I miss you and I will never forget you or the love you showed me.
Treasures of the South Shore
61 Summer St., Kingston, MA
American Retro
Builders Surplus & Sports Consignments
Twice As Nice
Second 2 None Furniture Consignment Shop
Kids Closet
46 Columbia Rd. (rte.53) Pembroke, MA
The Designer Girl Consignment Boutique
Susie’s Selections
Penny Lane Consignment
331 Cotuit Rd., Sandwich, MA
Hidden Treasure
Interior Consignments
Mum’s Secret Closet Consignment Shop
Wish list Consignment
Sea Chest Consignments
754 Chief Justice Cushing Hwy. Cohasset, MA
March 2013 Snow Storm
The never ending snow of 2013! I think Mother Nature is making up for the years she was easy on us because she is killing New England this winter!

I’m really not surprised to tell the truth. I knew it was only a matter of time before we were going to be buried.

With the way the weather has been all over the world the last few years, I knew it was only a matter of time!

Trees and branches are down everywhere. Some areas look like a tornado had blown thru and snapped every tree in its path.

Our plow guy got stuck in my flower bed while plowing our driveway today. Oh geez! Really

They decide to use my truck to pull the plow out and then get my truck stuck in a big ditch that was made by the spinning tires!

To the rescue! My daughters fiancé shows up to visit and spends an hour or so helping get my truck and the plow pulled out!

Well, I got to visit with my two little men while the commotion was going on outside. These little boys are growing way to fast!

So I’m hoping Mother Nature is finally done with us. I did see my daffodils sprouting out of the ground the other day, but now with a ton of heavy white stuff, sitting on them, who knows what’s going to happen!

Oh how I miss you beautiful daffodils!!!