Tag: kids

Easy Air Fryer Doughnuts

Do you like donuts? Do you have an air fryer? With a can of biscuit dough and just the teensiest bit of coconut oil or olive oil, you can be enjoying warm, flaky donuts in just 10 minutes — no hot oil splatters or deep-fry thermometers in sight. Here’s how to do it.


  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 (16.3-ounce) can  flaky large biscuits, such as Pillsbury Grands! Flaky Biscuits
  • Olive oil spray or coconut oil spray 

  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted


  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Combine sugar and cinnamon in a shallow bowl; set aside.

  2. Remove the biscuits from the can, separate them, and place them on the baking sheet. Use a 1-inch round biscuit cutter (or similarly-sized bottle cap or shot glass) to cut holes out of the center of each biscuit. 

  3. Lightly coat an air fryer basket with olive or coconut oil spray (do not use nonstick cooking spray such as Pam, which can damage the coating on the basket). 

  4. Place 3 to 4 donuts in a single layer in the air fryer (they should not be touching). Close the air fryer and set to 350°F. Cook, flipping halfway through, until the donuts golden-brown, 5 to 6 minutes total. Transfer donuts to the baking sheet. Repeat with the remaining biscuits. You can also cook the donut holes — they will take about 3 minutes total. 

  5. Brush both sides of the warm donuts with melted butter, place in the cinnamon sugar, and flip to coat both sides. Serve warm.

So quick and a great project to make with the kids. They taste light & airy too. Yum!

Birth Day Box

I’ve seen these “exploding picture boxes” everywhere. There are several different kinds and some really great ideas. I decided to make one for my grandsons birthday. I was going to go to the dollar store & see if they had any boxes that fit inside each other, nesting boxes, but decided to just use what I had around the house.

I had these white gift boxes, so I used those & cut them to size. I know I could have done a much neater job if I had more time but I think it came out pretty good for my first try!

I printed out pictures of us and some birthday pictures and then some kids jokes. I hope he likes the jokes!

SnapChat is so much fun with kids! We crack up every time!!

Well it was fun to put it together and I think I will be making these again! Until next time!

Angels and Rainbows

I woke up this morning and walked in the kitchen and this is what I saw…

God’s light shining down in the most beautiful rainbow of colors!!

All I could think was wow! Boy did I need to see that this morning!

These last few months have been not the best in this 60 something-year-old’s life. I always try to focus on all of the good things I have in my life but some mornings you just don’t wanna get out of bed because you don’t know how you’re going to make it through the day.

I’ve had children to take care of since I was 19 years old. I had the pleasure of raising my oldest granddaughter from 2-1/2 years old until she turned 18 and then abruptly moved out. In a matter of days I became an empty nester at 61-1/2, with no time at all to prepare for it. It definitely wasn’t the way I had pictured it would be happening. But it’s not about me, everyone lives their own lives their own way.

You do everything you can, and you do it the best you think you can, and it doesn’t really matter a whole lot what you think because everyone that you do the things for sees it in a different way than you do. That doesn’t make you do it any differently, you still do it the best you know how to do it and hope somehow it has helped in someway shape them into a good decent human being.

Do they really know how much you love them? What could have I done better as a parent? When it’s time for them to go, it hits you like a ton of bricks!

It doesn’t help when everything else seems to be going not the way you planned it to go either. I thought growing up and dealing with all of the things you deal with as a parent was tough but I’m beginning to think it’s all tough, it’s just different things that you deal with at different times in your life.

It certainly is true what they say, some people just know that you need them without you saying a word. (You know who you are!❤️)

Then there are some that have absolutely no clue, or maybe they just don’t care to have a clue. I hope I am one who always has a clue no matter what’s going on and I’ve always tried to be there for the people I care about no matter, with no expectations.

I don’t know what the next 20 years is going to bring into my life, I’m just trying to make it through the day, but I know life goes on and you figure it out somehow…

Still trying to be a “Super Woman” til the day i’m no longer here.

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